Human Design | Emotional Generator 2/4
Interview to Sabine Reiter
In this interview with Sabine Reiter, we will speak about Human Design and what it means to be an Emotional Generator 2/4. We will discuss what it feels like to be an Emotional Generator 2/4 and how it actually shows up in Sabine’s personal life.
The Generator in Human Design is somebody who is here to build and to do. The beautiful thing about the Generator is their sparking life force energy that is contagious when they are listening to their sacral center. The sacral center is the energy center around the belly button and locates where your desire and your creativity lies. Only Generators and Manifesting Generators have the sacral center defined and therefore access to this consistent, beautiful sparking energy that lights up when you follow your desires. Historically, the Manifestors have been the conquerors, the kings, and the rulers of the world and have used the Generators for their consistent energy. The Generators were here to get the projects done, to build cities, and to conquer countries. So the karmic lesson for the Generator is to break free from the conditioning is that they have to play small in order to help others. The Generator’s real purpose, however, is to light everybody up by doing what you love.
“The Generators were here to get the projects done, to build cities, and to conquer countries. ”
Sabine, you were telling us some of your success stories living out your design but before we start, can you tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do?
I'm Sabine, I'm a hair and make-up artist and I live in Vienna, Austria. Over the past year, I tapped into a new journey and really got in touch with myself and my desires and dreams. So this year was very exciting for me because I created my own online masterclass about self-love, beauty, and make-up. In this masterclass, you learn what you can do to get in touch with yourself and with your body. It shall inspire others to take care of themselves, to enjoy themselves, and to give self-love to yourself.
I want to inspire people to take a moment just for themselves. With my experience as a makeup artist, I have a lot of knowledge about makeup. I think it can be such a beautiful and intimate tool to spend time with yourself, get in touch with your skin, with your body, and really honor yourself. And it can be fun too. But it's up to anybody who wants to use makeup and have fun with it and play around. I really love to inspire others to get in touch with themselves and with their skin. They will learn to honor their skin because everybody is beautiful with or without makeup. I think it's so beautiful to use rituals for yourself.
I love that because you said, I want to inspire others to love themselves and to know themselves. If we look at the Generator and its purpose in this world, this is really about inspiring others to love life, so it's super aligned. Tell me, how did you discover Human Design?
It's a funny story because I found you through a friend. She recommended you to me and it’s funny because my profile is 2/4 and the 4 stands for getting opportunities through friends. Since I know that, every time I see something because of a friend, I know it’s what I want. I don't have to look for it that much, but opportunities will come to me through friends. So, Christina from Matcha Mornings told me about you and I think she manifested you somehow. She was saying, I want to get to know a Human Design reader, a really cool one with a cool energy, and I want her to speak German. And so you came into our lives and I was super fascinated about it. I heard about Human Design last summer, but I didn't get into it somehow. I found it interesting. But the moment you arrived, I thought, I want to know everything. I was especially interested in how my energy works in a relationship with others because my boyfriend is a Manifestor. I found it really interesting to know more about myself, my energy, and also my relationship with others.
Especially since you have a 4 in your profile, I think it's very interesting that you are so curious about your relationship with others. So tell me, how did things connect when you heard you were a Generator? What was the biggest takeaway for you?
It made so much sense for me to be a Generator. I totally felt connected to it since I heard about it. You told me a good strategy for Generators is to ask yourself do I like to do this? Yes or no? And to ask my body. I can really relate to that. Since I started to consciously ask myself, do I want that - yes or no? I really get a direct answer. Since I know what it means to be a Generator, I know, I can really trust my body. My body knows the answer. It gave me a lot of trust to really listen to the voice inside of me or to trust myself that I know the answer. This was really cool to know and allowed me to play around and experiment with that and to see how things play out for me when I follow that voice. So it was really empowering.
The Human Design Experiment
This is why I think Human Design is so fascinating. Because it really gives you the tools to play around. I always say in my readings, it's called the Human Design experiment. Go and have fun. Try it out. Healing doesn’t have to be so serious. We don’t have to rip up the childhood wounds and all the suffering. It can also be playful and fun. Just see as a Generator what your gut is telling you. Just have that permission and understanding. We grew up in a society where we're disconnected from that inner voice. A lot of Generator kids make a lot of noises because that is the way their sacral just expresses itself. So maybe your parents told you to shut up and don't be noisy. Maybe as a child, your sacral was already telling you, I really don't want to do this. But your parents told you, you are selfish if you don't do it. From an early age, you learn to go against your inner voice. You believe your parents take their love away if you do what you want to do. Children only see black and white. So you think it’s not safe for me to trust that sacral gut feeling. I think this starts with our education, our upbringing, then continues in school and society at large. As a Generator just give yourself that permission to listen to your gut and know that it’s your side. Is just a beautiful tool.
What is your experience with it?
I always feel like I have so much energy, but I really noticed when I put this energy into something I actually don't want to do, then I lose the energy. This was also so important to me to realize. Before I do something, I should ask myself, do I want to do this? And if the answer is no, I don't do it. And if I did it, I would lose energy and feel empty or low. I really reframed how I make decisions now. Before I do something, I always ask myself, do I really want to do that? And if not, I don't do it.
“We grew up in a society where we're disconnected from that inner voice. A lot of Generator kids make a lot of noises because that is the way their sacral just expresses itself. ”
What’s so Special about Human Design?
I think that's amazing. I think it's so beautiful because the big difference between other esoteric or spiritual practices is that Human Design has these clear strategies. You get strategies that you can implement, so you can see results. I would like to speak about your authority. You're an emotional Generator which means your solar plexus is defined and you experience very intense emotional waves. I would like to know how an emotional wave feels and how do you deal with it? Have you been able to observe it?
It's so funny because somehow I knew all the waves. Every time I tell a story, the feeling part has always been very big for me. When I tell stories, I can tell my perspective and how I felt. My communication was already like that. Also, I make decisions sometimes because of my feelings or it plays a big role in my life. It’s super interesting to know that I have this emotional wave. Sometimes I feel super high and I have all the power. Then it's getting lower again and I don't have that much energy anymore. This is when I know it's time to rest. Actually, I kind of love it to feel that much. Of course, you have to be careful when you're in a super low and you have all these big decisions coming up. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and then I wait a bit until I cooled down before I make the decision. Sometimes I remind myself that I can take time with decisions. Sometimes the decision will change when I'm more balanced.
The Generator Strategy | Respond to Life
One of the things about Generators and conditioning, in general, is that your Aura and your strategy is to respond to life. Can you tell me how that has affected your life? What are the positive or negative experiences that you've had implementing or not implementing your strategy?
I definitely have maybe something negative to share or something I learned now through Human design, but let's start with the positive things first. After I learned more about my energy type, I realized, when I focus on myself and do what I really love, things will come to me automatically. And then I can choose again if I want to do that or not. I saw such a big shift after starting to follow that strategy and focusing on the things I really desire to do. All of a sudden everything came to me and I felt magnetic. And I could say yes to the people who automatically came to me. If I would have reached out to them before, I guess it would be so much more draining for me. So I realized, I just follow the things I really desire to do, and then everything will come along. I developed a deep trust. I know when I listen to my voice, to my desires, everything will come to me.
I even realized, when I get up in the morning, I ask myself, what do I want to do today. I can see I’m a Generator. I have this motor inside of me and love to get active. The tricky thing is my boyfriend is a Manifestor, and so he has a really big aura. Sometimes when he says, I want to eat something, I stand up and get it. Because his aura is so big, I found myself over and over again in situations where I did things for him. Now that I know this strategy, I ask myself before I get up and do something for him if I really want to do this. And most of the time it was a No. I told him that I know about our energy now. We spoke about it and since then we get on so much better. Just yesterday, he said, I am so tired, I really want to have a coffee. At that moment, I felt that I wanted to make a coffee for him. When I do things for him, he and I are sure that I really want to do this. And in the past, I have done a lot automatically for him, and have not thought about myself or my desires first.
Love & Generators
I love this because I think this is a super important topic that happens a lot in Generator relationships. When the Generator starts reconditioning and starts understanding the strategy, they make different decisions in their partnerships. You might decide I'm not gonna watch this movie or I'm not gonna sit down with you to follow the same routine we have been on for the last three years. It's so beautiful to see how this creates a new way of understanding because once we understand our differences, we can find back to each other. When we don’t see each other’s differences, then start blaming the other or we feel bad. The strategy just gives us the permission to recognize ourselves.
I love the subject because this month we're having a love month. We're talking about love, dating, sex, and Human Design in my Masterclass. I think it's super interesting because I'm also going to debunk a lot of myths. One of them is that Manifestors and Generators don't match well, and I have a lot of Generator friends who have Manifestor partners and they have very strong connections. I actually think that once you heal the relationship between a Manifestor and a Generator, you heal, this whole karma the Generator has come here to unburden.
I think it's super beautiful to see how you both work. I also had the pleasure of doing a reading for your partner. For me as a woman, that is super interesting because normally when I meet a man I’m attracted to, they always have a pattern. So I always see a similar kind of pattern in man’s chart. But now since I meet other men through my work, it's fascinating to see so many different qualities. Not all men are the same. I thought what was so beautiful in your partner was how sensitive he was and how many channels we had of deep intimate connection. Just seeing that even though he has this very strong Manifestor energy, he is actually much more open and sensitive to surroundings than you are, for example. So even though he has a strong energetic body, the way he interacts is maybe more sensitive. I think that gives you also a good balance. You have this masculine energy, but you also have this feminine energy.
It feels exactly like that. And I also think Human Design is such a beautiful tool to see each other from a different perspective and not take everything for granted. Now we speak about it and it feels really intimate again. We get to know each other even more and can take care of each other the way we need it. So it's really beautiful to experience this together with a partner as well and honor each other's differences and energies.
Human Design & Manifestation
One of the questions that I get a lot from Generators is, is this responding or am I initiating? Am I doing something or is it coming to me? So sometimes the fear comes up that nothing's coming. So some might think, I have to go out and get it because nothing's coming. You had this really beautiful promotion for your Masterclass in a newspaper. Can you tell us a little bit about how that came to be? To understand how this aura attracts things when you're excited.
This was so funny and I remember telling you girls about it. It came out of the blue and since our reading, I decided I'm just gonna focus on myself and on the things I love. I just worked and did things my way and looked for ways to have fun at work. Then all of a sudden, a friend of mine who works for a newspaper sent me an email: I saw what you are doing on Instagram. It looks so amazing. I want to make a story for the newspaper with you and share what you are doing. I felt that I totally wanted to do that. We had an interview and it was so beautiful. I know now because of the 4, this is meant for me. It came to me through a friend again, and then I had the feeling and the knowing it was right.
Before I knew things like that, I always ended up reaching out to a lot of people and nothing happened. But now I know, when it's coming to me, and especially through a friend, that it is exactly the thing for me. And then I do it. It feels like a deep trust that things will come in their time - in the perfect time for me. And when nothing comes along, I ask myself, do I really want to do a lot right now or is it time to rest? And sometimes it turns out, it's time to rest. In January, I felt like I had some ideas, but then again, I asked myself, do I really want to do this now? And the response from my body was that it’s time to rest, and then I trust it. And now in February, I feel back to life again. Things started coming again and I have more energy. Again, I opened my Mac and I have five new emails I can respond to.
The Variables in the Bodygraph
One of the things that I do in my reading is that I share about the arrows that we have in our head - the variables. I think there's so much deconditioning to do on there. You have your arrows to the right. So all the arrows that turn to the right mean that you have to be more spontaneous in your life. Go more with the flow. That discipline and constant consistency are not easy for you. You just followed your flow in January where you weren't feeling so well. So, you can really let your gut decide what you want to do. Let that take you in the right direction. And after you have been through the emotional wave and you got these ideas, you can start over.
Exactly, I have all the arrows to the right, and you said to me, you don't have to make a big business plan. You don't have to be totally structured and do that thing every Monday. And before, I sometimes found myself in a situation where I forced myself, for example, to meditate every morning. Somehow it never worked for me and it cost me so much energy. Then you said to me, just go with the flow and trust that it is the right thing for you. You told me sometimes it can happen, that you just feel like taking a bath in the middle of the day and maybe then it's the right thing for you to do and you get your answers when you do that. So it really inspired me to not be so hard on myself to have a structure. Now I trust in the flow and give myself the permission to really be in that flow and see where it takes me, and trusting again that the right things will come.
The Bottom line is that...
What do you think was the most important thing or the most impactful thing that you got out of the reading? What would you tell other people who are interested in Human Design and what was your experience?
First of all, I would tell everybody, just see if it's something for you. I think it's really interesting. Every time when we have a tool to reflect, it helps us to grow and to see new perspectives and angles. What’s so cool about Human Design is that you have the strategy and then you can try it and see it for yourself. I love to use tools like Human Design or even Astrology to just get some questions to reflect on. It's just a tool to grow the thing I really took from it, is that I learned to listen to my gut. Since I started to do that, I have so much more knowledge and trust inside of me. I feel so much calmer and I am not always looking and searching. I trust myself and I think that's really beautiful and really empowering to take from Human Design.
Last question, what would you tell an emotional Generator? Do you have a message for all the Generators out there?
Yes. You know your answer. It's as simple as that. Listen to that and see what happens when you listen to yourself. Don't ever let somebody else tell you a different thing because you know what you want to do. I think it's also so much fun to play around with. Like we said in the beginning, just play around with your answers. It can be so much fun to really see how I react and sometimes it happens to me that I think it will be that answer, but it's the other way around. My body knows better than my mind what to do.
The brain is great to rationalize, to solve problems, to get inspired, but really our inner voice - our compass - is what we're feeling and that is our guide that brings us onto the path that we are meant to take. For all of us, this looks different, but it’s something inside of us and not in our heads. When we're in our head, we are in fear and when we’re in fear, we're disconnected from our body's message.
Thank you so much for being here. It was such a pleasure seeing you and being able to talk to you.
watch the full interview
with Sabine Reiter ↓